WDW for Christians

Posts Tagged ‘water

Who enclosed the sea behind doors when it burst from the womb,  when I made the clouds its garment and thick darkness its blanket, when I determined its boundaries and put its bars and doors in place, when I declared: “You may come this far, but no farther; your proud waves stop here”? Job 38:8-11

Today we are going to a water park called “Blizzard Beach”.   Because you are made in the image of God, you and your parents will be able to think and make some decisions about what you want to do and where you want to go in this park.  You will be able to control whether you go in the water or whether you stay out of it.  Even though you will have some control over what you do, you will not have much control over what the water does or where it goes.  You can decide, “I am going on a waterslide but I am not going to get wet and the water will not get inside my swimming suit.”  But deciding that will not change the facts – you will get wet and it will get in your swimming suit.  You can try to hold the water in your hands but it will leak out between your fingers.  You can try to block the water in the wave pool but it will get around you.  And even if you decide to stay out of the water, it might rain and you will get wet whether you want to or not.  Try it for yourself and you will see that this is true – human beings just do not have very much control over water. 

You see, we are made to be like God in some ways but we are no where near as powerful as He.  When God decides that the waves can only go half way up the beach, the waves cannot go any further.   When God decides that rain clouds are going to water a city or a field, then that is exactly what happens.  God parted the Red Sea so that Moses and the Israelites could pass through on dry land.  No person could ever do that.  When the disciples were in a boat during a storm, they were very frightened but Jesus just had to speak to the storm and the waters had to calm down.  He could do this because Jesus is God.  Think of the most amazing person you know.  Can they tell the water what to do?  Can they decide to walk through a swimming pool full of water and not get wet?  Are you getting an idea of how powerful God is?

 Prayer:  “Thank you, God, that You are so strong and that You love us.  When ever I see water, please remind me of how powerful you are so that I will always be able to put my trust in You.  Amen.”